
TRIBE’S, the Art of Ultra Performance


Because your current organization can deploy its new highest potential beyond expectations with its existing internal ressources by combining technical and human dimensions! Yes, we can!


A magical encounter of three personalities from three continents, performing in three diverse worlds. A story of powerful reconnection, high achievement and the joy in creating and advancing together.
Project Leader, Marc Amerigo has always been pushing the extreme limits of pure performance with his approach ShiftYourBrain®.
Corporate Coach & Facilitator, Léocadie Ebakisse impacts Board of Directors and their executives in their capacity to stick together, to re-invent themselves, to project into a winning future. Talents Awake® promotes the emergence of latent talents in transformation. future.
The « Sensorial Guy »David BROWER (AliveFulness™)from the global American film & entertainment industry, and creator of bespoke deep human reconnection events.
The fusion of their three universes opens up your doors of UltraPerformance!


The TRIBE’S method and The Art of UltraPerformance™ were created and co-developed by this empowered trio.
This powerful method is inspired by agile approaches, constellations of organisations, principles of team cohesion and experiential & embodied techniques for reconnecting to your senses.
This approach involves all management levels. And seamlessly integrates into contexts of deep change, crisis, strong growth or fast transformation.
Read more > TRIBE’ S method

TRIBE’S mission: to enable executives, leaders or managers to initiate fundamental individual and collective work around four key areas:
• To define the conditions of exercising their role in clarifying their vision
• To measure daily the impact of their communication, connection and image
• Their capacity to find real partners of trust and support, and to share their power
• The analysis of interactions between team members (relationship to others, motivation, leadership, talents, communication, connection, initiatives…).


Three adaptable formulas/formats are available, and take into account the specificities of the groups being accompanied:
• Formula « Discovery / Initiation »: Duration 2 to 3 hours ( Objective : to experience a powerful moment together, and sample the TRIBE’s universe.)
• Formula « Breaking Patterns »: Duration 2 .5 to 3 days ( An immersive and experiential conference, followed by facilitated TRIBE’S workshops)
• Formula « Changing Perspectives »: Duration 2 .5 to 3 days ( An introduction with a « heady » approach, then progressive release with TRIBE’S.)

The TRIBE’S approach is adaptable to your context and your themes.
Our tribe manages the conception of your entire seminar, at your service: location, program, contributors, animation, food & beverages, even lodging.

Your dedicated  tribe

Our method is led by three unique and complimentary personalities who fuse their talents to guide your teams towards reaching their objectives in the trainings and for Ultra-Performance.

Creator & Founder of Alivefulness™, Sensorial Experiences Facilitator & Human Connector Expert, International Professional Speaker.
Read More Here > Professional Profile –

International Executive Coach/ Tribe Trainer & Facilitator, MC & Program Conception, Certified International Coach (EMCC).

Read More Here > Professional Profile – TRIBE’S method –

Project Leader & International Professional Speaker.

Read More Here > Professional Profile –
TEDx Issy 11-2017 > « La Confiance dans un Collectif engagé dans l’UltraPerformance »